Friday 8 November 2013

Hong Kong Trip Day 6 and 7 (December 30 and 31, 2012)

Day 6 and 7 - Avenue of Stars and New Year Firework

A long overdue post, but better late than never.

It was so cold on that day and probably conducive for our little one to sleep.  He was asleep when we reached to the Avenue of Stars.  We took some pictures then headed for dinner.

Here's some of the pics in Avenue of Star, buildings are decorated with lights and it's entertaining to watch. My son appreciate it a lot, we purposely awaken him so he can see it.  Although we can see similar skyline in Singapore but in Singapore, buildings has no Christmas lights so it's dull to watch at night.

I forgot to bring hand gloves for my son, so he end up putting his hand in his jacket pocket all the time.
When we got to the hotel, our little one has a good time  playing in hotel's bath tub with his dad watching him while mommy is doing some shopping with friends.

On new year's eve, we decided to see fireworks.  We watched from Marco Polo hotel courtesy of my friend's sister who is staying there. It's probably one of the best hotel to book at new year time.  It was still a fun experience although the fireworks was not as grand as the one in the year of the dragon's fireworks.

                                              playing with daddy while waiting for the fireworks.

From Marco Polo parking area, cars were not allowed to park on that day.  It was reserved for guests who would like to watch fireworks.

Indeed, when bringing kids on holiday, the schedule is more relax.  The more important thing is our little one remembers the trip and looking forward for another holiday.

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